Monday, December 30, 2013

Granola with a Twist

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Everything!

What a busy month this has been - ironically, because it is the first year that I DIDN'T have crazy travel plans, lots of relatives to go visit, and a huge shopping list!  In fact, this was the first year that I had Christmas at my house, for only a few friends and family.

For such a small group, and since we couldn't spend too much time at the house due to a cat allergy in the midst of us, I decided to make some homemade munchies instead of a large brunch.  Something simple to snack on while presents were being opened, cats were being chased (only by the five year old, I promise), and to hold us over until the afternoon feast.  The following recipe was such a huge success that it has become a breakfast staple for the past week, and it offers such opportunity for variety that I look forward to many new combinations!

Sweet & Savory Granola


Grain/Nut Mix
4 cups Oats
2 cups Almonds (plus any other nuts of preference : walnuts, peanuts, pecans, chocolate covered almonds...)
2 cup Quinoa (pre-cooked, 3/4 cup quinoa with 1 1/2 cup water)
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

~ 1/2 cup Maple Syrup
~ 2 tsp Hot sauce
~ 1 tsp lemon juice
~ 1/2 cup olive oil
~ 1 tsp salt

Dried Fruit
dried apricots
dried cranberries
(.. plus any other fruit of preference)


Half Hour Before:

Prepare Quinoa using either rice cooker or stove top. For stove top, cook 3/4 cup grain with 1 1/2 cup water over low heat until soft.  For rice cooker, use the 'white rice' setting.

1. In a large bowl, mix together the oats, cooked quinoa, chia seeds, and nuts.  Almonds are great, but this flavor combination lends itself very well to adding other nuts like peanuts, pecans  - I even added some of the cocoa-covered almonds for variety!

Preheat oven to 380!

2. Time to add the wet ingredients.  Notice that measurements for these are approximate - you should aim for a sticky consistency without going too far and ending up like cookie batter. You can also add more/less of the spicy, salty, sweet, and sour, according to your individual taste!

First, add your 1/2 cup olive oil.  You can replace this with peanut oil, canola oil, whatever you have on hand - in combination with your nuts and seeds, this is your healthy fat for the meal.

Next, add your 'sweet' in the form of maple syrup, agave nectar, or honey (though honey would not technically be vegan).  Since the oil and syrup will make up a majority of the wet ingredients, you may have to add more here until the oats/nuts are coated. 

Your 'spicy' will come from hot sauce, alternatively tabasco sauce or hot pepper.  My first granola recipe was sweet, but I've grown to like this savory version so much better!

Finally, add your lemon juice (sour) and salt (salty :) ), tasting to make sure that you have the perfect balance.

Stir everything up, and your granola is ready for the oven!

Spread your granola evenly on a 9x13 inch pan.  Cook for about half hour on 380 (because 375 is just way too standard), stirring every 10 minutes.

3. While the granola is cooking, prepare your dried fruit to be added once it comes out of the oven.  I choose to use dried apricots, raisins, and craisins, but the choice is yours!

Chop the fruit into small pieces.  In my case, only the apricots needed chopping!

When your granola comes out of the oven, leave it to cool for about 10 minutes.  Try not to eat it all here before it's done!  (The whole house should smell divine at this point, it is hard to resist)

Stir together your granola and the dried fruit, deliciousness complete!

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